Welcome to SAME SAME: Capacity-building and Empowerment e-Mentorship Program!
The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of communication technology and its acceptance in facilitating social relationships for people with IDD (intellectual developmental disabilities).
Building upon this trend, SAME SAME aims to develop and test the effectiveness of a Capacity-building and Empowerment e-Mentorship Program. This program will empower 50 adults with mild IDD (between the ages of 18 and 64) with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to lead their peers, with or without IDD, in games and activities designed to improve functional fitness.
What We Expect
SAME SAME strives to develop independent living skills, reinforce community-based services, build new job skills, promote inclusive education, increase recognition of the work performed by people with IDD, and improve the availability of high-quality learning opportunities.
​The following information provides a preview of the planned results. Please note that the page will be updated with the actual results once they become available.

Developing a comprehensive assessment toolkit.

Gamification / Digitalization
Gamify / digitalize the learning modules on a freely available website.

Test the feasibility of the 6-month mentor’s qualification and of a 3-month pilot intervention in partner community-based organizations wherein mentors with IDD will apply the acquired knowledge to their mentees.